If you need to know how to compare two versions of a document, you’re in the right place. Luckily for you, the process is made easy due to one handy product – Draftable’s free online file comparison tool.
This powerful online tool allows you can see every update to a file, including style and formatting changes, making it clear what’s changed. It’s also easy to share this comparison with others to keep everyone in the loop. Draftable’s service is entirely secure, and they don’t sell your data to advertisers. The interface is clean, user-friendly, and a pleasure to use.
How Do I Compare Two PDF Files For Differences?
PDF files can be tricky to work with – there’s no track changes option that helps you compare text documents. Mark off the below checklist and then follow the steps to compare document versions.
Document Comparison Checklist:
☐ Original file
☐ New version of the file
☐ Make sure both files are closed on your computer, and you know where to find them in file explorer
☐ Access the Draftable Website - https://www.draftable.com/
Step 1 – Access The Tool
The first step in learning how to compare two versions of a document is to go to the Draftable website. Once there, click the ‘Try Draftable Online’ page by clicking the button in the top right corner of the site.
Step 2 – Upload Your Files
You’ll see the compare documents dialogue box in the centre of the page. To compare files, simply upload the first version on the left side and the right side, upload the newer one. This can be done either by using drag and drop or selecting ‘choose file’ and locating each one on your computer. Once you’ve uploaded the PDF files, click the compare button.
Step 3 – Compare The Documents
Now you’re in the review tab that shows the different versions of your files. All differences between the two are highlighted, with deletions in red on the left and additions in green on the right. As this tool highlights the differences, it’s easy to scroll through your files and quickly see every edit.
Step 4 – Share Your Comparison
Now that you have a complete version history with all of the changes to your current document, you may need to share this with others. Showing your comparison to colleagues and other stakeholders is easy. To share your comparison, click on ‘File’ on the top left of the page and select ‘Export’.
This will give you multiple options, allowing you to export your comparison with only one side highlighted, side by side, or as a single file. With Draftable, it’s simple to show others what’s changed and keep everyone on the same page.
How Do You Redline Compare Two Word Documents?
To redline compare two MS Word documents, you can upload them to Draftable. Then let the software do all the work of underlining changes and comparing the latest version with the original document.
Can You Merge Track Changes From Two Documents?
Merging all of the changes from two documents into one file is a tricky task to accomplish without the right comparison tool. However, by using Draftable, you can take the revised document and previous version and then merge the two versions into one file so that everyone can see both at once and compare the documents.
Now that you’ve learned how to compare two versions of a document, the world is your oyster! Compare changes between various versions of your work files, check whether a contract has been updated, and more! There are so many uses for the Draftable software.